Wednesday, February 16, 2011

After this Census ...

" After this Census we may or may not have reason to believe that Samskrita is doing somewhat in a minimal or a little satisfactory way.Until the next census let the Samskrita teachers rejuvenate their spirits without the least touch of complacency that it's they who're responsible for what and how Samskrita is today.Rather than the old and ageing,I would like to rely on the future Samskrita teachers to be live to Samskrita,to live Samskrita and contribute to her eternal existence and not to just resort to her to eke out a livelihood or build a career big in name and vacuous and ineffective in content.
For this we have to develop the potentials that the teaching and examinations be in Samskrita and not in another language whether Indian or foreign,and I assure you the unique ethos and essence will be back ! "

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