Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Gita Fights Out Corruption !

" GITA,the Song Celestial Bhagavadgita,ought to be to us,the humans populating this earth,
zero tolerance to corruption - within and without !
"Dharma-glaani" in Gita's parlance is corruption at various levels - internal and external.With the Gita , which is the basic minimum of a universal constitution for humanity and the world of beings and things in a single intertwined whole,corruption can be stamped out ensuring better times and climes for the corrupt and the non-corrupt as well.The corrupt suffers more - here and hereafter ! But rarely does one understand ! Let the good and goodness prevail relieving the small and beautiful world of her myriad maladies ! "

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Our Hearts are Proof !

" How true sounds the man at the helm of affairs in Tokyo,a true national and seemingly of spiritual and religious mental make up that the Tsunami in Japan was a DIVINE RETRIBUTION for the evils that the people of Japan might have committed !
Some have obviously denigrated him,the same would have been the fate of one speaking so when the great earthquake struck Gujarat,but the Truth must be analyzed in true spirits without hiding the faults of humanity of violence and cruelty.
Long back the noted medical scientist and environmentalist Shushruta spoke the same thing in his celebrated work.He called it " Prajnaaparaadha " - Sin of the Human Mind ! This leads to calamities in nature.Thus sustainable development and global future depends on an ideal humanity,less capricious and less violent,more peaceable and more humane,moral and spiritual ! "