Friday, September 30, 2011

Why We Kill Cows ?

" Swami Krishna Ashram,a Hindu Monk of the Dandii Swami order is on a fast unto death to stop cow-slaughter in Haryana-Punjab and in India.He sits under a banyan tree on the island inside the Brahmasarovar in Kurukshetra,Haryana.His fast started on 29th September.

I met him one day at our Upanishad sitting held on Sundays and was impressed with his simplicity,experiential learning as a Sannyasin,his ideas of perennial Indian values of individual life and society.He speaks a chaste,direct and sweet Haryanvi language casually chanting from memory Sanskrit verses from the Gita and other scriptures along with words of Kabir and Nanak etc.He quotes Guru Gobind Singh who took up cudgels against cow slaughter.

His argument is well-founded.He has evidence to show that even during the Moghul days,the rules had passed orders prohibiting cow-slaughter and imposing death penalty on the defaulter.But he sadly adds that after even the country has been independent,the country is earning revenue from the slaughter houses from which beef is exported to other countries !

He sites the case of the butchery at Derabassi just near Chandigarh falling in Punjab territory where the crime goes unabated since decades.

He has with him literature to prove the contribution of cows to human and social health and the ill effects of beef-eating.

His own book on Yoga named Haryanvi Yoga as it is in Haryanvi language is straight and illuminating.One is reminded of the work Vichaarasaagar by Sant Nischal Das of Haryana who also was a Vedantic Sannyasin of high order.

I am deeply hurt and unhappy when a Sannyasin is on fast without water in Dharmakshetra and I have to swallow my food routinely.I try to pay a visit to him at least once a day on these fast days to feel a little comfortable as he is doing a tapas to awaken the public and the government against a crime that no religion would accept.

If we have to save the soul of India we have to save her ethos ! The body without soul is death of a culture as we nourish the body and neglect the soul !

Will God or someone as his deputy see to it that something positive should emerge out of this selfless penance of a man and monk ? "

1 comment:

  1. AV 5.18 Sukta ब्रह्मगवी-Seer -मयोभूः
    WHY COW'S FLESH SHOULD NOT BE EATEN Cow sustains the world for cheerfulness all around
    Subject of the Sukta Devta is देवता= ब्रह्मगवी(ब्रह्मगवि:- ब्रह्म -भृ धातु से मन प्रत्यय लगा कर ब्रह्म श्ब्द बना है । भ्रीयते जगदस्मिन-जो संसार का अधिकरण है, अथवा भ्रीयते जगदनेन; जो संसार को धारण करने वाली है वह गवि - गौ । ब्रह्मगवि- गौ जो संसार को धारण करती है)
    Seer ऋषि: of this chapter is मयोभू: = ( मयोभू -भूमि पर आनन्द की दृष्टि से )
    Vedas do not spell out vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets. But instead talk abot three classificationsof life style, food etc, Satvik, Rajasik and Tamsik. But strongly speak on AHINSA- nonviolence in every sphere.

    - AV5.18.1
    नैतां ते देवा अददुस्तभ्यं नृपते अत्तवे।
    मा ब्राह्मणस्य राजन्य गां जिघत्सो जनाद्याम्‌ ॥ अथर्व 5-18-1
    Gods have not created this cow for your eating it. Strong powerful men should not resort to cow killings for food.
    अक्षद्गुग्धो राजन्यः पाप आत्मपराजितः।
    स ब्राह्मणस्य गामद्यादद्य जीवानि मा श्वः ॥ अथर्व 5-18-2
    Self ruined, by their own conducts in life, individuals given to gambling, evil, criminal behavior, if they indulge in killing cows and eating them, may be able to live today but will surely become extinct tomorrow.

    आविष्टिताघाविषा पृदाकूरिव चर्मणा ।
    सा ब्राह्मणस्य राजन्य तृष्टैषा गौर नाद्या ॥ अथर्व 5-18-3
    Cow may appear to be made with covering of leather, but her interiors can be as if filled with venom of poisonous deadly snake. Noble ones should never be harsh to cows and ensure that cows are not eaten.
    (Incidentally this message is also provided in Koran by Prophet Mohammad---
    निर्वै क्षत्रं नयति हन्ति वर्चोऽग्निरिवारब्धो वि दुनोति सर्वस्‌ ।
    यो ब्राह्मणं मन्यते अन्नमेव स विषस्य पिबति तैमातस्य ॥ अथर्व 5-18-4
    Aggressive persons, who eat life sustaining agents like the cows, truly consume poisons. The negative environmental effects of consuming sustainable living strategies, boom rang on the society to cause overall destruction.
    य एनं हन्ति मृदुं मन्यमानो देवपीयुर्धनकामो न चित्तात्‌।
    सं तस्येन्द्गो हृदयेऽग्निमिन्ध उभे एनं द्विष्टो नभसी चरन्तम्‌ ॥ अथर्व 5-18-5
    The Enemies of civilized behavior think that cows cannot defend themselves. They kill cows, but by their conduct such persons, fire the hearts of right mind men who hound such enemies of civilized behavior to punish them here on earth in this world and the next world.
    न ब्राह्मणो हिंसितव्यो3ग्निः प्रियतनोरिव ।
    सोमो ह्य स्य दायद इन्द्गो अस्याभिशस्तिपाः ॥ अथर्व 5-18-6
    They (Cows) should never be killed. They provide with warmth and comfort like fire, provide the highest forms of intellect, and fill the individuals with qualities strength and valor to be victorious in all situations.
    शतापाष्ठां नि गिरति तां न शक्नोति निःखिदन्‌ ।
    अन्नं यो ब्रह्मणां मल्वः स्वाद्व द्यीति मन्यते ॥ अथर्व 5-18-7
    The unfortunate persons, who kill and rejoice in eating their (cow’s) flesh, suffer with innumerable maladies from which they can never recover.
